I Make My Own Book
Learning the Chinese language through story-telling, games, crafts, songs, videos & making a book.
Develop your child's self-confidence & life-skills (e.g., dealing with anger, learning to be responsible for his/her own actions, having self-confidence, create art) through stories & activities.
At the end of each semester, each child will make a PICTURE BOOK with parents.
(Although parents are encouraged to join the class for bonding purpose with child, parents may or may not accompany the child in the class. Lessons are conducted in the Chinese Language.)
August 2013 Semester Lessons
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Lesson Time 上课时间: 2 – 3 p.m.
Lesson Time上课时间: 3.30 to 5 p.m.
Age年龄: 3 to 6 years old
Age年龄: 5 to 12 years old
Semester Start date 开课日: 23/8/2013
(See all lesson dates in the attached poster 所有上课日期如下)
Semester Start date 开课日: 24/8/2013
(See all lesson dates in the attached poster所有上课日期如下)
To see a video of this program being featured in the Tzu Chi channel, please CLICK HERE.
概括的主题 Themes are inclusive of developing:
Self-recognition, emotional, growing up with love and care for the others and environment, creativity and an education of Life!
Self-recognition, emotional, growing up with love and care for the others and environment, creativity and an education of Life!
*透过绘本的阅读,交流与分享,让同学参与活动, 发现与体验生活感受 提升观察力,思考力及创造力,为自己的人生创作第一本手绘书。
Activity-based Chinese Picture Book reading, sharing, exchange of ideas. This helps children discover own and others’ feelings in life experiences, improves their observation, cognitive level and creativity. From here, they create the first hand-made picture books.
Express own thoughts into words, and eventually converting them to writing, through illustrations and stories in books.
Parents will understand their child more via their child’s work.
To Love is to understand more…
主要活动 Main activities are:
绘本导读、绘画手工、戏剧游戏、短片分享、 共同创作以及手绘书制作。
主要活动 Main activities are:
一学期=10堂课 + 1堂 4小时亲子手绘书 (周末)
1 semester = 10 lessons + 1 book-making session with parents (4 hrs on a weekend)
学费:RM 360
(Clover L.C. Montessori students and Funpoint member will enjoy a rate of RM 320 per semester)
Clover L.C. Montessori ex-students, Kindermusik, Ballet & Enrichment will enjoy a rate of RM 340 per semester.)